Thursday, March 19, 2009

One down, three to go!

I just sent in my cover letter and resume to Banneker SHS. I applied last year and was not hired, but I was given the impression that I was the 2nd choice, which isn't too bad. I teach Saturday School with a teacher who works there and heard that the person they hired over me was fired halfway through the year and now they have a permanent substitute.

This means that my dream position is going to be back on the market. In an attempt to get it once again, I am applying early and worked really hard on my cover letter and CV. I think my application is a lot stronger this year. I have grown a lot as a teacher and taken on a lot of additional roles here at the Academy. I also am getting much more direct in selling myself to Banneker in particular, making sure they understand that I will be a good fit for the long term and not just some kid who plans to go to law school in a few years (not that there's anything wrong w/that, I'm just not that person).

I have three more schools that I will apply to, just to see if anything comes of them, but really Banneker is my top choice. It has the IB program, a strong set of students from around the district, is not a charter school, has a good number of students and has high standards for everyone involved. I can see myself having a long career there and really growing and learning from my fellow staff members and administration. Especially because, by all accounts, it is a school that actually works.

I do feel a little guilty about leaving my students here, especially because the programs I am setting up aren't necessarily short term. But I deserve the chance to work with people who know what they are doing and actually try. People who don't come to work late every day, people who really teach lessons and don't just use the poorly written textbook, faculty who don't do the bare minimum and people who follow school, state and federal regulations and don't discriminate against those that are different. I know I deserve that, and I'm sorry to the students that I may leave behind if I do get offered another position (because I know I would be leaving you behind with nothing), but at some point I have to do something that is for my own benefit, or I may not make it to that long-term goal I see for myself in the future.

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