So today I did something that is pretty embarassing: I went to the American Idols concert. Now I did it because of Mr. David Cook, and I knew that I was entering a pretty awful place haha, but I bought the ticket anyways and it was a decent seat. Near the back of the floor in an aisle seat. Probably 80-100 feet away from the stage or something, maybe less. The show itself wasn't too awful (it could have been worse basically). Idols 10-8 each got 3 songs, while David Archuleta got 4 and David Cook got 5. In the end it probably wasn't worth it, but I went and probably would have regretted not going too, so alls well that ends well. The best part was when David Cook covered Hero by the Foo Fighters (who I just saw on Saturday! and who I was wearing the T-shirt for to this concert tee hee). He has a great voice, and when (or if) he tours solo I will definitely be there, because he was clearly happiest playing that song, and if that's the kind of stuff that makes him happy then he is my kind of artist.
Some observations from the concert:
- Basically everybody there was white
- About 3/4 of the audience was 12 and under
- There were a lot of older ladies there (40+)
- The girl sitting next to me was a moron, but well meaning and her mother was drunk and wishing she could have been drunker still... they also looked like the stereotypical middle america Jerry Springer watchin go America types. *ugh*
- A lot of people were like the ones I just described above
- I have never heard such loud piercing screams in all my life (thanks primarily to the tweens)
I'm never ever ever doing that again
Now on to watch the olympics!
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