Tuesday, November 18, 2008


OH MY!!!!  This is the most exciting thing ever!

Washington Post Inauguration Watch Article

We are so going to be at the biggest party of the CENTURY!!!!!!

Only one question remains:  Parade view or swearing in/speech view?

I'm torn!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A ringing endorsement...

If this doesn't make pay for performance seem like a bad idea... well then I don't know what would:

Voters turn down teacher merit pay measure

Posted by The Oregonian November 04, 2008 20:51PM

Voters turned down Measure 60, which would have required the state to base teacher pay raises on classroom performance.
Like nearly all of their peers nationwide, Oregon teachers are paid strictly according to their years of experience and their level of college education.
The measure was sponsored by Bill Sizemore, the conservative initiative activist who gathered enough signatures to place five measures on the ballot.
A coalition led by the Oregon Education Association argued that Measure 60 would require students to endure more standardized testing and pit teachers against one another.
For those who may not know: Bill Sizemore is one of the biggest assholes alive hands down.  So if HE wants to do pay for performance... then clearly there are some serious problems.


This morning I was very forward thinking and bought 10 newspapers at Rite Aid and then 2 more at Caribou Coffee before 7 AM.

I got 5 Washington Posts
1-USA Today
1-NY Times
1-Baltimore Sun
1 - New York Post

Plus some others... basically I bought every paper that looked halfway decent.

Tomorrow I'm goin down to the Newseum to take pictures of the other headlines.

Watching the news, looks like almost all the Washington Post papers are gone.  Boy am I good :D

Bragging Rights

Not that I personally did all that much but... LOOK WHAT WE DID!!!!!

Prince William County:
  • 56% Democrat
  • 43% Republican
  • 54% Democrat
  • 45% Republican
Manassas Park
  • 60% Democrat
  • 40% Republican
YES WE DID!!!!!!!
We just took a primarily Republican area and MADE IT DEMOCRAT AND WON VIRGINIA!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I am about to go to bed, but I will send updates in the near-future.




On that note let me just say the best moments were:

1) When CNN first projected that Pennsylvania was going blue (I cried a lil)
2) When VA was called for Obama RIGHT BEFORE the election was called (literally 10 seconds) and the crowd at the DC for Obama party went INSANE
3) When Joe, Jayna and I went down to the White House where a huge crowd was gathering to celebrate the end of the Bush presidency
4) Running down the street giving high fives, getting people to yell, cheer and honk their horns (they're definitely still honking right near my apt... woooooooohoooooooo)

We have just witnessed history. I can't believe that I got to be a part of this even to the simple extent that I was. The past 48 hours have been beyond fantastic and beyond anything I could have ever hoped for in my life. I hope that this is a sign that politics are back on the upswing for a long and successful time. BRING BACK THE NEW DEAL!!


And for once I can say: I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN (temporarily haha)

Election Day Mania!!!

So last night was... in a word: AMAZING.

The rally had approximate 85,000 people at it (by the estimates I have read in the paper) and here's the best part: JOE, JAYNA AND I WERE SITTING BEHIND OBAMA ON THE BLEACHERS!!!  That is like the super special section and was basically filled with volunteers.  We were the first group to go in because they ran out of jobs for us volunteers so they let us sit back there since we did show up to help out.  So basically we didn't do anything (well I did set up some chairs upon initial arrival) and got to watch the whole rally from an amazing vantage point!  (That and we were able to be seen on some of the major TV networks according to Jayna's sisters.)

It was spectacular, just being a part of that energy and happiness and dedication to politics for once!  Getting to participate in Virginia has been a real trip and it is exciting to get to be a part of this whole election.  I definitely will have strong memories of canvassing in Manassas and then culminating in the rally, election day and then *hopefully* the results/party!!!!  What a great opportunity we have, especially here in DC.

I got home by about 1 AM and was able to go right to bed.  I then woke up at 5:30 in order to get in line to vote by 6.  I was a bit sluggish, but got in line by 6:15.  Polls opened at 7, and I was out by 7:25.  Not too bad on the whole.  When I got out though and saw the line?! wow.  The line stretched at least 4 full blocks, multiple people deep.  It was truly insane.  Now I know the early crowd will bunch up and all but this is crazy. 

Tonight I am headed to the DC for Obama party.  I was just checking the website and apparently the event is full (I signed up a long time ago), which means 800 people have RSVP'd.  Crazy!!!!  My plan is to go to the party, and once the election is called (no matter which way) head to the White House.  It is going to be insane!!!!

Fired up!
Ready to go!!!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008


In less than 10 minutes I am heading out to be a volunteer at Obama's LAST PRE-ELECTION RALLY in Manassas Virginia!!!!!!!!!

I've been volunteering in Manassas for about a month now (just on weekends), so I took the day off of work and am READY TO GO!!!!!!!